年末12月29日・12月30日 午前9時~13時に受診可能
↑ 診療予約は
Clinical Hours
Open on : Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
AM 9:00~12:00
PM 14:00~18:00
Saturday AM 9: 00~13:00
PM 14:00~18:00
Closed on : National holidays
green color
Clinic Director Hiroyuki Makino,MD
blue color
Medical Corporate Chairman
Nobutami ''Ben'' Okina,MD,PhD
Clinical Subjec
Otolaryngology area and disease
Ear area
earwax, otitis externa, otitis media, hearing loss, Ear pain, dizziness, sudden deafness,
Nose area
acute sinusitis, chronic sinusitis, Nasal polyposis, allergic rhinitis, hay fever, Nasopharyngeal carcinoma, paranasal sinus cancer
Throat head region
purulent tonsillitis, acute tonsillitis, acute pharyngolaryngitis, chronic throatitis, Pharyngeal cancer, Laryngeal cancer, Cervical tumor, Vocal cord polyps, hoarseness, throat head abnormalities
CT equipment
We are one of the very few clinics equipped with on-site CT imaging capability at Kanagawa Prefecture. This imaging modality enables greater anatomic detail to assist our caring physicians to make accurate diagnoses. We can confidently and comprehensively treat any patient’s ear, nose, and throat issues.
Additionally, an ear otoscope, nose endoscope, throat endoscope is used to examine local lesions and remove foreign bodies such as fish bones.
Please rest assured
Our physicians inspect and diagnose the diseases in the above areas with the latest equipments. We take pride in our short turnaround time for obtaining exam and testing results. In addition, we thoroughly explain the results to our patients. Children suspected of having otitis media will be examined with the least invasive method. If necessary, eardrum micro-incision would be performed with state-of-the-art technology.